October's Most Interesting New Drupal Modules and Themes

Some of the most interesting new modules and themes I saw posted to drupal.org in October:

Views Manager [sandbox]

Gives you vertical tabs on the Views admin page, separating Views by their tags.


Allows for speedier page loads for authenticated users. First you send the fast, cached parts of the page, then fill in the expensive parts when they are ready.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Make your Drupal site ready for Accelerated Mobile Pages. Right now, it only adds the AMP javascript library, but the plan is to serve AMP pages directly from Drupal.

OG Multiple Paths [sandbox]

This module creates multiple paths for the same node using Organic Groups and Pathauto. It’s not best practice for SEO, but it’s nice in situations where content is posted to multiple groups, and you want the node path to reflect the group context the user is currently in.

Menu Link Field

Provides a field similar to the menu link form on node forms but for any entity type.

Human Behavior

An anti-bot technology that looks for mouse movement and mobile device touch events to determine if a bot is filling out a form.

Views Numeric Range Filter [sandbox]

It gives you a numeric filter for Views that includes a +/- tolerance. So you can say 100 +/- 10%, and it will give you results between 90 and 110. Neat!

Address Field Lookup [sandbox]

Integrates the Address Field module with validation services to correct address formatting issues.

Features Export Explode

Breaks your features into a bunch of different files, which makes it easier to see what changed when you review a git commit. For example, it breaks each view out into its own file.


An example theme for Drupal 8 that shows you how to use the new features of the D8 theme system. Heavily commented to explain your options.

Commerce Cart Link

Provides a new field formatter for Add to Cart fields attached to Commerce products and product displays that is a simple link, rather than a form. This way users can buy a product without invoking the full Form API on each product item.

CRUD log

Captures and logs all node CRUD operations, “create”, “read”, “update” and “delete”. This module logs the events in a custom table and exposes the data to Views. It allows you to select which operations will be captured, so you can turn off read events if that is too verbose.

User Moderation [sandbox]

A user moderation system that uses votes from other users to decide if a user is a spammer or not.

Responsive Menu Combined

Allows you to combine multiple menus into the responsive hamburger menu with tabs in it.

Mailsuite [sandbox]

Provides a unified administration interface for managing the templates of all the emails you send from your Drupal site.

Twig PHP Filter

Ha! If you love doing everything wrong and putting PHP code in your template files, this is the Drupal 8 module for you. If you’re slightly less crazy and only want to query the DB from your twig files, then the new Little Bobby Tables module may be a “better” choice.

Wayne Eaker
November 6, 2015