The Week in Drupal: June 29, 2012

A look back at interesting modules, articles and other Drupal news of the last week: June 22 - 29, 2012.

Drupalfr Stickers

Drupal News

Drupal core announcements: Drupal 7 core release postponed; help still needed resolving release blockers

Transitions at the Drupal Association

Dries Buytaert: Drupal governance sprint

Dries Buytaert: Spark update: responsive layouts in Drupal

Great Posts and Tutorials

Drupal Base Theme Review

Drupal cron failing? Not sure why? here’s a handy drush command.

Module Monday: Custom Permissions

Scaling at the High Performance Drupal Meetup

Automatically increment Features version numbers using Drush

Bob Christenson and Making a living in Drupal - Modules Unraveled Podcast

Inheriting your Drupal profile from an existing distribution

E-Learning Institute at PSU: ELMS Beta released and beyond!

Interesting New Modules

Image Annotator - Allows you to annotate images. See this screenshot for what that means.

Panels edition - This module helps manage different “editions” of the front page of your website.

Flag Lists Popup - Provides a popup menu for Flag Lists module.

AJAXBlock - Provides a set of options for turning any normal blocks into AJAX blocks, which do not need a complete page reload when the content changes. Currently works with Webform.

Google Cloud Messaging - Implementation of Google Cloud Messaging for use with Drupal and Rules module.

Simple Views Field - Provides the ability to generate a views lists by choosing from a few simple choices.

Entityreference Bulk - This module offers an entityreference field widget that allows to create referenced entities while creating the referencing (“parent”) entity.

Feeds: Facebook events - Import event data via graph api from facebook.

Login Ticket - Allows for the generation of login-tickets. (a special link that logs in a user when he/she clicks on it) Each link can have 3 parameters: How long is the ticket valid? How often can this link be used? Where is the user redirected after the login?

Wayne Eaker
June 29, 2012